
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

my daughter's quotes of the week

We have been teaching our daughter how to swim (pictures to come soon), so we were in the pool and she had taken off her floaties. She was doing really good, and decided she wanted to jump on one of those noodles. She was doing really good, but making me really nervous. So I said to her, "Why don't you put your floaties back on for a little bit, take a rest." She, of course, did not want to...she said, "No Mommy, I want to keep doing this!". So I said, "Baby, make sure you hold your breath if you go under. Are you sure you can swim without your floaties?"...She then says to me, "Mommy, remember, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."...ya. That was end of that....oh, and she is now swimming under water.

Lately, my daughter has been noticing different skin colors on family and friends. Well, the other day, I was sitting on the bed with my daughter and I said to her, "Look at you! You have a good tan going." and she says, "Yeah, my skin is changing color like [friend's name] skin color." This friend is Mexican and has a darker skin complexion. She thinks that's how her friend came to be that color.
This is a cute little story.

We were sitting outside and this bird ran right into the side of the house and fell to the ground in front of our daughter. She was just kind of watching it for a minute and then said, "him hurt his wing!"...So she was a little worried about the bird and came to the conclusion she needed to pray for it. Her little prayer was so cute and just so full of sweetness. She said things like, "Please God help him fly away up in the sky and be all better." About a minute after her prayer, that bird flew up into the tree. She was so excited and she looked up into the sky and said, "Thank you God for helping the bird fly away! God heard my prayer, He fixed his wing!". It was so cute.

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