
Sunday, September 11, 2011


I originally wanted to write a long heartfelt post about 9/11 and where I was and what I remember...but after watching one too many recaps of that horrific day on CNN and CNBC and whatnot, I just can't seem to find the words. I should have turned the TV off hours ago. It was an awful awful thing done by mean hateful people. 10 years later, and we are all still on edge, as if waiting for the next act of terrorism to fall upon us. So on this day, while we remember those that lost their lives in so many tragic ways, and while the rest of us continue to go on with ours, I say, lets not fear the what ifs. In Psalm 56:11, David writes, "In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?". If we put our lives in Jesus' hands and fully in-trust our lives to Him, we have nothing to fear. That includes terrorists and their could be plots. We can sit around and speculate all we want about what might happen in the future, or what the enemy might be planning, but in reality, we would be living in constant fear, like our enemies (worldly and spiritually) want us too be. We would just be wasting time on mindless nonsense that fuels our fears, when instead we could be living our lives full on for the Lord, redeeming our short little time in this wicked world, showing the love of Jesus Christ to those who are submersed in fear themselves. Put your trust in the Lord and leave the fear to the enemy. That is the only way to keep living our lives after an event such as this one. I pray that the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 find comfort, and I pray that everything works out to the glory of the Lord, that they may see His miraculous works through all of this. Amen. & God BLESS America!

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