
Thursday, January 26, 2012

I can't believe...

MY LITTLE MAN IS ONE TODAY!!! ONE! Where did the time go?!? Just yesterday he was letting out little whimpers and could barely move on his own, now I can't contain him. He's a little man on the move and so full of personality. Not to mention he looks just like his Daddy, and dare I say acts like him too. HAPPY BIRTHDAY my little one! I pray that the Lord blesses you with many more!

*side note: birthday party will be held next month, so stay tuned, there will be many pictures accompanying that post*

Monday, January 23, 2012

chaos in the Meador house...

So...last Tuesday was full of excitement. There was laughing, there was crying...oh so much crying, and there was praise to the Lord that none of it was as serious as it could have been. Here we go...I was playing in the front living room with my kiddos, we had been playing for a while so Jacob was getting tired and was ready for his nap. So Kailyn gets up and starts up toward the stairs, I follow her, but as I am getting up, my toe gets caught on something and I feel a little poke. The next thing I know, there is blood on the carpet. So I look down confused like where is this coming from? I look at my toe and it is bleeding quite a bit, like non-stop coming out bleeding. Like, I don't bleed like this usually bleeding. So I reach down and try to catch it from going on the [light grey] carpet, but I just manage to end up with blood all over my hands and now all over the tile once I made it off the carpeted area. Jakey hasn't seemed to notice anything yet, so I call up to my daughter, who is halfway up the stairs, "Kailyn go get Mommy some paper towel!". This is when the chaos ensues. She turns around sees the blood and starts screaming. "Ahhhhh! Mommy!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! Mama!!! Ahhh! Why are you bleeding!!?!? Ahhhhhh!"...this doesn't stop. Her reaction sets off her brother, who now sees the blood and his sister and starts screaming and crying himself. I reach over and try to console him, but he doesn't want anything to do with me. So I turn back to Kailyn and tell her again to get me paper towels. She's screaming and crying, he's screaming and crying, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying...and there is still blood going all over the tile. Kailyn runs up the stairs crying, she comes back down, reaches the bottom step, throws a roll of toilet paper at me and runs back up the stairs crying, down the hallway, into her room and she slams the door. Jacob is still screaming and I can't reach the toilet paper. This is when my mother-in-law comes out of her room and asks what's going on. Kailyn from her room is screaming and crying "Mama! Mama! Ahhhhh!"...So she comes down the stairs, sees what's going on and tries to comfort her grandson who is distraught at this point. I'm still laughing at this point. She tells me she's going to get a wet rag for me to try to stop the bleeding and she takes Jacob upstairs with her. I'm still bleeding and thinking to did this happen? I could still hear Kailyn screaming and Jacob in his crib at that point crying...I then hear Kailyn come out of her room crying and say, "Grandma!!! I drew a picture of what happened!!", then she ran back into her room crying and slammed the door...yep, she drew a picture of my bloody Bonnie is coming back down the stairs with the rag, when she reaches the 3 step and falls down the stairs. Yes. Falls down the stairs. Now she has a bad back, so my first thought is she probably hurt herself pretty bad. She starts laughing while holding her ankle and says she's laughing to keep from does this happen? So I call up to Kailyn and tell her to bring me my phone...poor Jacob is still in his bed screaming...she comes to the top of the stairs sees me, still bleeding, and now Grandma on the floor in pain and cries out, "Every body is getting hurt today!?"...I say, "PHONE!"...and she takes off down the hall crying again. At this point I just started praying in my head. I was thinking, what do we do with two screaming children and two incapacitated adults? She brings the phone down and sees the blood again, but this time I showed her where it was coming from and she goes, "oh...that's not big, it's very little...I thought your toe comded off!"...apparently she thought I had cut my toe off. Now I could understand her reaction. My mother-in-law gets up at this point and says miraculously she didn't hurt her back, just her ankle and knee. She goes upstairs to console my poor Jacob who was still crying at this point. The bleeding finally stopped and my Kailyn even helped me get a couple band-aids on the puncture wound. I went back to where the blood started to figure out what caused this was a tiny sliver of very pointy clear plastic. I immediately thanked the Lord it was me that go hurt and not one of my kiddos. Once I made it back to Jacob he would not let go of me. He was traumatized and ended up falling asleep on my shoulder shortly after. Once all was said and done, we were just happy it wasn't worse. I could have needed stitches and Bonnie could have broken her back, but the Lord protected us thankfully! When I told my hubby about what had happened he was laughing and said it sounded like something that should have been set to Benny Hill music. I have to say, it was pretty funny. Hopefully nothing like this will happen again anytime soon though.

seriously...January is almost over?

I apologize once more for my lack of blogging lately. My computer is still out of commission and to be honest, I have just been lazy. There's been a lot going on and once I get home, I just want to do nothing. So I will do some catch up. My little Jakey is going to be ONE this week! Future blog on that to follow. We have to postpone the party though, due to preparations for the move mid-February. I have many Pinterest inspired ideas for his party and I cannot wait to blog about that! My hubby started his semester last week, he's excited because the end is finally on the horizon. Very very far on the horizon, but non-the-less, still within view. Kailyn is growing up so fast. I can't believe how smart and beautiful she is. She is such a good big sister. Always helping, always wanting to be a little mommy to Jacob. It's so sweet. I am so blessed!