
Friday, April 16, 2010

conquering potty training

after much frustration and for lack of a better term, just being lazy...we are finally full force on this whole potty training adventure. we've dusted off the rarely used mini pink potty, and we've taken out the big girl panties she's had for about a year now. i'm getting excited! our goal is to have our daughter potty trained by her 3rd birthday, which is June 3rd. we're hoping to have her potty trained before that, but if all doesn't go as smoothly as we hope it will, that's our max goal. we've tried the random potty thing and it didn't work. we've tried bribes, but that only seems to work every now and then. so i've decided, today, i'm taking the hands on approach. i'm stuck to her side, telling her to try to pee pee every 30 min. or so. i've found random things to make it fun, like setting my phone to sound an alarm for every 30 min. so she knows when it's time to try on the potty. i also stuck a cheerio or two in her potty and told her she needed to pee pee on them. i know that one is a little weird, but hey, she thought it was fun and it worked. there are also books and coloring pads near her potty to give her an activity to do while on the potty. we began operation potty training around 8 this morning and she has only had one accident all day, which incidentally was my fault for tickling her when she had been holding it for a while. so no more tickling. no bribes today. just fun and consistency. so far, it's worked pretty well. but i think what makes this so much easier on both of us, is letting go of my selfishness. today is not about what i have to get done, it's about helping my daughter conquer potty training. i'll be sure to post updates on her progress and post any tricks i may come across to make potty training a little easier. pray for the rest of the day to go as well as the first half!

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