
Monday, August 23, 2010

i may not understand....but God has a plan

i recently had another go at the er. fun. i got stuck and poked and made to wait a couple hours in what was probably the most uncomfortable bed in the whole world with an iv hooked to my hand while being told to 'relax'. ya. easy for you to say. earlier that day i had "stroke like symptoms" so of course being pregnant and only twenty-three the smart thing to do is go to the hospital. well, i'm stubborn, so i waited it out a while and called my doctor who eventually told me to go to the er. i hate the er. it takes forever to get called back, and then once you get back there it's like they just hook up an iv and leave you in the room for what seems like an eternity. well after a few hours at in a cold room on a rock hard bed, i was told i have migraines and that the symptoms mimic a stroke. ...and you couldn't have told me this sooner? why did i have to lay in here hooked up to an iv while me and my unborn child pretty much froze to death?! long story short, i have to see a neurologist and make sure its nothing more. sigh. so tell the pregnant woman, "don't stress, just relax, but by the way you have headaches that make you feel like you are having a stroke...but don't stress." i was doing pretty well until i had another face numbing incident yesterday. it's a weird feeling and i don't like it, especially if i start to feel dizzy. but as i sat there in church trying to calm down, i was reminded that i have a purpose. God has a plan for me. so all of this is happening for a reason, i may not know what the reason is, but i know there is a reason. so i am trying to find comfort in that. i want to be an instrument for the Lord. i want Him to be able to use me and work through me, and the only way to do that is to open my heart up and allow Him to work. whatever that may be.

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