
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

coocoo for coupons

Okay, I have to say it, after watching that extreme coupon show...I have been collecting, scouting out, rummaging through everything trying to find coupons that could potentially save me lots and lots of money.'s not as easy as it looks. First off, I can't do the math they even calculate the coupons to make money off of them is way above my math ability. Secondly, some of these coupon websites are so hard to navigate. You find the awesome deals and then you have to sign up for all these things you don't want and then you end up with tons of spam in your inbox. Third, the coupon inserts in the Sunday newspaper don't always have the items you actually purchase on a regular shopping trip. I do not plan on buying bags of chips and boxes of cereal we don't eat, just because we have a coupon. Not happening. So, with that said...I am not a "coupon diva"...but I am a mom of two who will take a good deal when it comes my way. Here are a couple of my favorite sites to find good deals.

Online Target Coupons
My hubby works here, so if we pay in cash, we actually get an additional 10% off our whole purchase. So when the coupons are factored in, it works out quite nicely.

The Frugal Girls
I love this site, they post daily deals and coupons. They even have a facebook page. This is where I go to find freebie Pampers Gifts to Grow codes. Not to mention they have super cute party ideas for your kiddos!

*Another good idea is to visit your favorite brand's website and see if they have any coupons or deals you can print out. This is great for those organic companies that don't tend to publish coupons in the regular circulars. Also, visit places when they are having a huge clearance or blowout sale. This is great with places like Carter's, Gap Kids, or Children's Place for kids clothes, especially when you add their email coupons to the total.

*The best thing to keep in mind is, wait until something you have a coupon for goes on sale, then you get the sale price + the coupon + the discount (if applicable) would be amazed at how much you save.

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