
Monday, March 28, 2011

i started doing...

as a follow up to my last post...i pushed myself to go to church on Sunday even though my hubby had to work. it was my first time doing anything alone with the new baby. so it was me, my 3 year old, and my new little man enjoying a morning at church. aside from my nervousness driving there, due to the constant worry that my daughter was going to poke her brother in the face the whole time, and my daughter acting out a bit after wasn't too bad. although, i don't know how single mothers do it. i'm am so blessed and so thankful i was able to pick up my hubby from work at the end of the day and be able to share the kiddos with him. they are a handful. more so my daughter than the little guy though...who would have thought? the baby is a breeze compared to her. well...anyway...the message was awesome!

we were in Luke 5...the focal point was on the story where Jesus tells Peter to cast out his nets (plural) and Peter casts out his net (singular)...we learned that partial obedience to God, hinders the full magnitude of blessings He wants to give us. Peter was told to cast out his nets. Peter cast out one net, allowing us to see that he doubted Jesus. but the Lord, as merciful as He is, allowed fish to fill that one net, it was overflowing. and to imagine, what would have happened if Peter had cast both nets as he was told. it makes me stop and wonder what blessings i have missed out on because i only partially obeyed what the Lord was telling me to do. i can't be afraid. i can't doubt Him and His ability to lead my life. i need to be casting both nets at all times, instead of keeping a safety net for my own personal comfort. it's hindering blessings...i don't want that. i want as many blessings as the Lord is willing to give me. who wouldn't? this is something i need to work on. when the Lord is telling me to do something, i need to do it with a whole heart, without doubt, and no fear. if He is leading me to do something, i have to remember He will be with me the entire way, and that it will all work out.

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