
Wednesday, August 26, 2009


today me and Kailyn sat on our patio and watched the rain. it was so peaceful just watching the rain fall and feeling the slight breeze in the midst of the humidity. i watched her run around and giggle every time a rain drop fell on her. and she would stick her hands through the railing and let the rain clean her hands. the moment was so innocent and so sweet, i couldn't help but smile. it's times like that moment, i realize just how little Kailyn is. i love that i have this time to enjoy my daughter while she is still young. it is so special and so amazing. sometimes she will just stop in the middle of playing and or running around giggling and she will just smile at me and every once in a while she will give me a hug and thank me. she doesn't have a specific thing to thank me for, she just says "thank you mommy". i love that. i love that she appreciates me. i couldn't ask for a better payment for what i do every day.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren! I really enjoyed reading this post and all your previous posts! Keep it up because people (like me) really do read them and enjoy reading them! I miss you and I hope everything is going well for you, Steven, and Kailyn in CS!
